Stopped strength training: “Never been stronger”

strength training
He’s far from the most intense trainer in the field and hasn’t done strength training in three years, yet he’s never been stronger. Here, he reveals why.
He’s far from the most intense trainer in the field and hasn’t done strength training in three years, yet he’s never been stronger. Here, he reveals why.

Runar Skaug Mathisen had the breakthrough of a lifetime when he broke away from the field several kilometers from the finish in Marcialonga, winning the race that has been his dream since he started long-distance skiing.

Read More – Skaug Mathisen: “I want more of that feeling”

But his victory and other podium finishes last winter were not due to extreme training volumes or specific strength training. The 30-year-old from Vinje, Norway, has actually stopped those.

“It didn’t work well for me. It just made me tired, not better,” says Mathisen to

Instead, he ensures that every minute of the training he puts in has a purpose, and that he is 100 percent focused and alert.

“Previously, I could do sessions just to log hours. I don’t do that anymore. Now, I don’t have a single session where I don’t consciously aim to improve something. I can see that I’m doing something right there,” says Mathisen.

“I try to learn from those around me, pick up and incorporate things that I find useful for myself. I’ve made a leap at the top level this year, especially in lighter terrain.”

Also Read: Pro Team Director about Skaug Mathisen’s solo performance: “Outstanding and spectacular”  

How do you distribute your training hours among different types of workouts?

“I’m probably one of those who cycles the most. I spend about 30 percent of my time cycling in the summer, 50-60 percent roller skiing, maybe 5 percent on strength training for injury prevention, and the rest on paddling and a bit of ‘other,’” says Mathisen, adding that injuries have kept him from running for the past four years.

The story continues below.

Runar Skaug Mathisen spends over half of his training time on roller skis in the summer but is not the one who trains the most hours of the elite skiers. Photo: Mathias Bergeld/Bildbyrån

Additionally, Mathisen has completely stopped traditional strength training.

“I don’t do any regular strength training. Instead, I do two sessions a week of injury prevention exercises. These focus on the upper body, targeting injuries in the legs and shoulders that I need to keep in check. So, these are exercises I do to keep my body healthy,” he says, explaining:

“It’s not heavy, but I have to do it regularly to keep my body injury-free. I haven’t been to a gym in three years. I just do exercises I can do at home or while traveling. All I need is a place to do pull-ups and a weight vest, otherwise it’s just basic exercises.”

Part of the reason Mathisen doesn’t prioritize traditional strength training is that he feels he has achieved what he can in the weight room.

“I trained heavy strength for almost 15 years. So, I think I’m strong enough now, and more of that type of strength won’t make me a better skier.”

The time Mathisen doesn’t spend on strength training, he uses to excel in areas where he feels he has the most to gain.

Improving sprinting skills

For the upcoming season, improving finishes is one area Mathisen will specifically focus on.

“I’m not good enough in finishes. Winning sprint finishes is an area I need to work on,” notes Mathisen, highlighting several instances where he missed the podium because of this.

“In La Diagonela, I was in the lead group until three kilometers from the finish. In 3 Zinnen Ski Marathon, I was also in the lead for a long time, and in Janteloppet at Hafjell, I couldn’t keep up at the end of the last lap,” he says.

The story continues below.

Runar Skaug Mathisen lacked the finish to fight for victory at Engadin La Diagonela last winter. He wants to change that now. Photo: Barbieri/NordicFocus

How specifically will you train leading up to the start of the season this year?

“There are several things I need to work on. But improving sprint finishes is a key area. For example, in La Diagonela, I finished fourth because I wasn’t quite good enough in the sprint,” says Runar Skaug Mathisen.

“The feeling you get, especially in the last 20 minutes, when you’re fighting for the win and can decide the race, is incredible. Not just the potential to win but being part of shaping the race and making it exciting for everyone. Now I know I can win major ski races, and there are many more I want to win.”

Runar Skaug Mathisen was one of the key figures in the episode about Lager 157 Ski Team in Ski Classics Ski or Die, the sports documentary about life inside three Pro Teams in the prestigious long-distance skiing series.

Watch Ski Classics Ski or Die here

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