by • 02.04.2021
AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR PRO TEAMS, ATHLETES, EVENTS, PARTNERS, TV CUSTOMERS CREW AND FANS!   Dear all, Visma Ski Classics Season XI has been a challenge for all of us. In front of the season, we evaluated various options on how to handle our sport during the ongoing pandemic.   After careful consideration we…

Dear all,
Visma Ski Classics Season XI has been a challenge for all of us. In front of the season, we evaluated various options on how to handle our sport during the ongoing pandemic.
After careful consideration we decided that we were going to do our outmost to deliver a complete season, and to do it in the safest way possible. We felt it was very important for the sport, for our Pro Teams and athletes, our events, partners, TV customers and fans. Sports can be considered secondary in times of a world crisis, but it is both the livelihood for our athletes and an important facilitator for public health. And sports bring people together, which we today perhaps need more than ever.
We asked all of you to help us to deliver this season by doing your part of minimizing the risk of infection spread. A request you took seriously and did your best to fulfil with greatness.
On March 27th, the season ended with Årefjällsloppet in Vålådalen, Sweden. Together we managed to deliver eight events in eleven weeks and in four different countries – in total 39 hours of exciting battles in the tracks, with zero positive Covid 19 cases. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your exceptional commitment and the hard work you have done during these difficult times.
Now we look forward with the hopes that the situation in the world will improve during the coming months and that we will be back to a more normal situation before next winter season. Meanwhile, we will continue to do our best to build the sport of long distance skiing. With many ideas on how to improve the sport and the Visma Ski Classics tour, we are convinced that we have a bright future ahead.
We hope that you will continue to be part of Visma Ski Classics and to help us spread the passion of long distance skiing.
We could not do it without our great Pro Terams, Athletes, Events, Partners and Fans!
On the behalf of Visma Ski Classics,
David Nilsson
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